Frequently Asked Questions

What types of clients do you work with?

We work primarily with families & small business owners. We have no minimum account size requirement, we’re here to help anyone who seriously wants to improve their finances.

What types of investments do you use?

We primarily use low-cost ETFs & Mutual Funds, but we offer all types of investments including; stocks, bonds, REITs, commodities and others.

I just started my career after college, at what age should I consider meeting with a financial advisor?

Contrary to popular belief, recent college grads can greatly benefit from the services of a financial planner. Many of them are working towards multiple goals (repaying student loans, buying first home, saving for retirement, buying new vehicles, preparing for children) but have limited income & resources to pursue them. Meaning they need to be as efficient as possible with their money & have each dollar working for them in the best way possible.

Which is better a Roth IRA or a Traditional IRA?

There is no one size fits all answer here. We need to consider several factors:
Do you qualify to contribute to both accounts?
Your household income (AGI) & tax bracket this year.
Your household income (AGI) & tax bracket in retirement.
The types of accounts your other investments are held in.
These can be tricky calculations to make, so feel free to send us an email or give us a call & we’d be more than happy to help you.

How much can I expect my Roth IRA to earn?

A Roth IRA is actually a type of account that holds investments inside it, therefore the Roth IRA doesn’t earn anything but the investments owned inside of it can. Roth IRA’s can hold almost any type of investment that exists; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETF’s, etc. So the earnings can vary greatly depending on which combination of investments you decide to invest in.