
The 2 most common questions I hear from prospective clients are:

1) What should I invest in?
2) How much do I need to be saving?

Both are excellent questions, but until I get to know your goals & the resources you have available to pursue those goals it’s a question that can’t be accurately answered. All of those things need to be taken into account & work together to build their financial plan and investment strategy. 

Two of the central ideas to our investment process are portfolio construction and risk management. We believe that thinking and acting for the long-term is crucial and the core focus of how we manage client portfolios. Financial education, a balanced investment plan and consistent communication are the tools we employ to help our clients reach their financial goals.


With a constant focus on risk management, we’re always looking to balance shorter-term fears with longer-term needs and objectives, so that clients can remain comfortably committed to their plan. It’s extremely important to have a good balance of enjoying life today while pursuing your long term goals, so we also focus on balancing short term needs & wants with your long term goals, 

Our investment management services include building a custom portfolio tailored to pursue both your short-term and long-term goals. We tend to favor lower-cost passive investing. However, we do believe active management can play a role within an investment portfolio.

Our client portfolios may include stocks, bonds, ETF’s, index funds, mutual funds & REIT’s among other things.


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